Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hello World

Well, here it is: the first post......

It could be worse.

Why? - I've been learning about computers like a sponge and have found a lot of cool information, but it's scattered about making finding it a bit of an easter egg hunt. My friend set me up a wiki on his dreamhost account on a whim and it gets sporadically updated by me and him with information that should be consolidated and shared. It's still very rough and most things are only partial entries. It has a computer/nerd bent. I suppose there's no reason not to shamelessly pimp it: BurkPedia

Sorry about the blink tags. I can't see them so it's not an annoyance for me.

To answer the question (after all the rambling): It'd be nice to have a not so formal way to tell about new updates to the wiki, or to have a box to stand on and add my voice to the collective static of the net. (Yay for being a me-too!)

About me: I'm a person, Does this really matter? I guess you can marvel at my one deviantART submission (though my favorites collection is extensive and really worth checking out).

Yep.....more to come......I guess......

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